The online home for collaborative projects between St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges in Northfield, Minnesota.


Broadening the Bridge is a collaborative effort between St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges. A strong bridge is already sustained through the link between the two libraries, but we aim to extend our reach to one another.

Academic projects and endeavors are some of the main ways we can extend our collaboration. Carleton and St. Olaf will use competitively awarded re-grants to foster faculty development of shared projects and courses that build bridges across the academic programs at our two colleges and lay the structural—and cultural—foundations for curricular collaborations. These grants will provide faculty and staff with the resources—most importantly, time—to jointly develop and test collaborative academic models. These grants to faculty and staff will support exploration and pilot activities with potential for substantive collaborations, both in formal classroom curricula and experiential learning.